Dialogic competence and a preparation of a ‘teaching’ group


  • Alberto Villani Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marisa Franzoni Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de São Paulo


teacher preparation, dialogic competence, knowledge and wisdom, psychoanalysis and education.


In this work we will show the trajectory of a prospective teachers group during a course – Biology Teaching Practice – focussing the moments of meaningful change. We will interpret these changes as due to the coupling of the teacher’s intervention and the high school students’ behavior. We will show that the dialogue was a characteristic of the relation between the teacher and the group and between the group and their students. At the end we will focus the internal changes of the future teachers, first of all the elaboration of a common perspective. ‘To become a teaching group’ was their motto.



How to Cite

Villani, A., & Franzoni, M. (2016). Dialogic competence and a preparation of a ‘teaching’ group. Investigations in Science Education, 5(3), 191–211. Retrieved from https://ienci.if.ufrgs.br/index.php/ienci/article/view/593

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