A Theoretical Foundation about Data: a Contribution for Epistemological Reflection in the Teaching Science Lab


  • Julia Luisa Flores Departamento de Biología y Química Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas Avenida José Antonio Páez, Urbanización El Paraíso, Caracas, Venezuela




Data, Research activity, Epistemological reflection


In this paper we intend to make a theoretical-epistemological contribution in terms of data and its nature in science, taking into account some authors that allow to enrich the contemporary view about them, although with different perspectives. It is based on the idea that this type of support is not provided to the teacher, although in the laboratory students perform practical work involving data collection, which is done with little or no reflection of its implications In the process of knowledge construction. Given that this theme is complex and that there is now a need to incorporate an epistemological side in the science teaching laboratory, especially under a constructivist didactic approach for the development of research activities in coherence with the work of a researcher, the thematic is inspired from this context and is developed considering aspects related to the etymological origin of the term, a generalized history about the data, the vision about the data in the educational environment and, finally, the philosophical perspectives of the authors García Bacca, Bunge, as well as that of Novak, Gowin and Alvarez, considered relevant for this work. It is expected that the work will contribute with valuable content to the epistemological reflection of the science teacher on the data.

Author Biography

Julia Luisa Flores, Departamento de Biología y Química Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas Avenida José Antonio Páez, Urbanización El Paraíso, Caracas, Venezuela

Profesora de Química y Ciencias Generales; Magister en Educación Mención Enseñanza de la Química, Doctora del Programa Internacional de Enseñanza de las Ciencias (Burgos, España). Adscrita a la Cátedra de Bioquímica del Departamento de Biología y Química de la UPEL-IPC. 


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How to Cite

Flores, J. L. (2017). A Theoretical Foundation about Data: a Contribution for Epistemological Reflection in the Teaching Science Lab. Investigations in Science Education, 22(2), 17–32. https://doi.org/10.22600/1518-8795.ienci2017v22n2p17