Teachers’ Knowledge: Nature of Science and the intrinsic relations of gender in this dynamic
Gender and Science, Science Education, Teacher Training.Abstract
The objective of this research is to understand and explain the teaching knowledge mobilized during a process of explicit-reflective formation of the Nature of Science, and the inherent gender relations in this dynamic. To achieve this goal it was elaborated a Didactic Unit entitled construction of scientific knowledge and gender visibility in Science. It took part in the training course 15 teachers in the areas of Humanities and Natural Sciences. This is a qualitative research. During the training process the participants’ speeches were video recorded and after transcribed and analyzed according to the thematic content analysis. Empirical data analysis allowed to show, through deductive inferences, some disciplinary knowledge built during the pedagogical intervention, such as: Science as provisional knowledge, imagination, creativity, social and cultural values present in the scientific knowledge construction process, uncertainties, surprises , denials of the existence of gender issues in science, society and science education. These explicit moments of reflection have allowed teachers to deconstruct some certainties and reconstruct their teachers’ knowledge related to gender and science in a different way, not ready, not finished, but in permanent construction.References
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