Teacher actions in dialogic Chemistry lecture classes in High School
Teacher action, Chemistry classes, Class modelsAbstract
In this article, a study of teacher actions in Chemistry classes in High School is presented. The objective of the research was to identify and describe the teacher actions, seeking to answer the following research questions: What do teachers actually do in High School Chemistry classes? And what categories can describe their actions? For this the methodological procedures adopted were audio and video recordings and field notes of the classes of two Chemistry teachers, denominated P1 and P2, who work in public High School. As a methodology of analysis and interpretation of the information obtained, Content Analysis was used, considering the stages of pre-analysis, material exploration and treatment of results. Regarding the results, for the dialogic lecture classes with exercises, 12 categories of teacher actions were identified for P1 (Explain; Ask; Write; Bureaucratic-Evaluative Activities; Wait; Distribute; Answer; Represent; Inform; Warn; Organize; and Resume) and 13 categories for P2 (Explain; Ask; Write; Represent; Wait; Read; Bureaucratic-Evaluative Activities; Bureaucratic-Administrative Activities; Answer; Warn; Organize; Resume; and Greet), being that for both teachers, the actions with the highest incidence were Explain-Ask-Write, suggesting a class model characterized as Exp-Ask-Wri, related to the approach and the type of resources used. Based on the action categories highlighted, we made a movement to present the data obtained through graphic models that have a temporal relationship with the class and suggest an existing interweaving between the identified actions.References
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