Transitional modal routes and the teaching of representations on a molecular kinetics model




Chemistry education, multimodality, multimodal representation, modal transition routes


In this work, we draw on studies involving multiple representations and multimodal representations and investigated classes on the molecular kinetic model, from episodes of interaction between a chemistry teacher and her high school students, which were recorded on video and analyzed through microgenetic analysis techniques. In the classes, students were invited to propose representations for three phenomena observed through experiments. The teacher led the following classes around the evaluation, negotiation and improvement of the representations. We realized throughout the activity that communication had a multimodal character and the teacher represented the same phenomenon through speech, drawing, gestures and experimental apparatuses. Performance and multimodal interaction analysis allowed us to characterize transition routes among semiotic modes. These transitions were important for the meaning making, providing some productive constraints. The teacher's performance made it possible to perceive affordances involved in the use of multimodal communication and multiple representations.

Author Biography

Ana Luiza de Quadros, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Doutora em Educação pela UFMG, Po-s doutorada pela USP. Professora de Ensino de Química, no Departamento de Química/ ICEx, da UFMG


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How to Cite

Quadros, A. L. de, & Giordan, M. (2019). Transitional modal routes and the teaching of representations on a molecular kinetics model. Investigations in Science Education, 24(3), 74–100.

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