Cultural structures, schemas and resources: how pre-service physics teachers conceive and justify the ontological status of entities in different contexts


  • Fábio Marineli Universidade Federal de Goiás, Regional Jataí BR 364, Km 195, nº 3800, Jataí, GO, Brasil
  • Maurício Pietrocola Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Educação Av. da Universidade, 308, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP, Brasil



Culture, Reality, Scientific Entities


In this research, we present an investigation about the ways of understanding the reality of scientific entities and entities that belong to other spheres by undergraduate physics students. We adopt a theoretical approach of culture that highlights the influence of several cultural systems on the ways of understanding the world and that allows conceiving science as one of such systems. Considering science in this way contributes to understanding the differences between the scientific ways of comprehending the world and the ways designed by other spheres. Culture is understood here as a set of overlying structures, each consisting of schemes and resources. From this perspective, scientific learning would be a kind of immersion in a new culture, but also a process that is subject to the influence of other cultural structures in which students are immerse and that bring other approaches and ways of understanding the world. This influence can be observed even in the comprehension of ontological aspects of scientific knowledge, particularly in understanding the reality of unobservable scientific entities. Our results enable more than only one interpretation about the criteria used by students to justify the reality of scientific entities, including that these criteria seem to be influenced by cultural structures whose origin is the everyday life. 


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How to Cite

Marineli, F., & Pietrocola, M. (2016). Cultural structures, schemas and resources: how pre-service physics teachers conceive and justify the ontological status of entities in different contexts. Investigations in Science Education, 21(3), 109–126.

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