The socialization of teachers’ knowledge’s: communication and professional training in context of PIBID/Physics
Saberes Docentes, PIBID, Física, Gestão da Classe, Gestão do ConteúdoAbstract
The research whose results we present in this article focused on the communication between an experienced teacher and two undergraduate students in the context of the Institutional Scholarship Program Introduction to Teaching (PIBID). The students were degree in physics in a public University of Paraná and the experienced teacher taught discipline in State Schools. For organization and interpretation of information from the methodological procedures of content analysis were used. Given the interaction of this team sought research: the types of knowledge that the teacher announced to undergraduate students during the supervision activity. For this we use twenty-three categories established a priori, from the theory of Gauthier et al. (1998). These categories make up a reservoir of knowledge that each teacher mobilizes in their actions: knowledge management and content management class. As search results evidenced the experiential knowledge shared by the supervisor during his action, especially the more types present in your communication: the learning content planning; of Learning Activities Planning; Planning of the educational environment and Explicit Teaching.References
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